Making It Look Easy
The Windsor wrestling team finished first in the Fort Zumwalt North tournament on Saturday.
The wrestling team is currently 3-0 in dual meets this season.
December 8, 2016
Windsor is known as a school with an abundance of hard working, yet sometimes underachieving sports teams. Despite countless hours of strenuous practice and intense preparation, sometimes the endless amounts of hard work is not enough. However, the aforementioned observation is not true for the Windsor wrestling team.
The Windsor wrestling team has always been fairly successful. For the past several years, the wrestling team has been exceptional in terms of dual wins and state qualifiers. Without fail, any student could identify the big names of the Windsor wrestling team; in fact, this year, numerous names might be added to the lists of the greats.
“The meet that we went to on Saturday went better than expected. Going into it, we knew it was going to be a tough tournament, and we were hoping for a top four finish. About half way through, it looked like we had a shot, so we stepped it up and wound up winning the whole thing. It was very, very pleasant end-result overall,” head coach Kevin Stoffey said.
On Saturday, December 3, the wrestling boys traveled to Fort Zumwalt North to compete in a new, annual division tournament. The fresh Fort Zumwalt North tournament starkly contrasts to the competition participating in the yearly Affton tournament in which the wrestling team usually easily wins. On Saturday, at Fort Zumwalt North, seventeen teams competed and the Windsor Wrestling team achieved first overall, with a combined team score of 282 points.
“In my own words, I would say that individually the tournament went well. I came into the tournament a little shaken, a little scared of how it would turn out because I did not know what this tournament would be like. We, as a team, have never been there. It was a completely new setting. I, personally, was used to the Affton tournament, but when we went in I thought we would still do good. In the first couple of matches, we did not do too hot, but then, all of a sudden, we started doing really well. For me, I did good during all the tournament, right up to my last match, and, honestly, it was pretty great,” senior Andrew Marler said.
Marler finished second at the tournament. Junior Ryan Yarnell took home a first place medal, while junior Jacob Warren finished second in his bracket.
The wrestling team isn’t just winning tournaments these days–the Owls are currently 3-0 in duals this season. The varsity Owls next compete on December 16 and 17 in a tournament at Fort Zumwalt East.