Coach’s Spotlight: Kyrie Hood

Hood is in her first year at Windsor.

Staff Report


Kyrie Hood

Where is she from?

Hood is from St. Louis.

Where did she go to college?

She currently attends college at St. Louis Community College, and is majoring in Elementary Education.  

How long has she been at Windsor?

This is her first year coaching at Windsor but she attend school here from 8-12th grade. Hood cheered for Windsor all throughout high school.

What is her favorite thing about coaching?

Her favorite thing about coaching is being a role model to the girls on her team.  She remembers how she looked up to her coach and hopes the girls on her team can do the same with her.  

What is her proudest moment as a coach/teacher?

Her proudest moment of coaching so far has been seeing her girls grow and work together as a team. She said, “These girls may not hang out much outside of cheer, but when they come together for games and practices, they act like one big family.”

Who is in her family?

She has a very large family that consists of three sisters and one brother. She says that her parents and family are her greatest support system.  

What is her favorite movie & food?

Her favorite movie is any of the Bring it On movies and her favorite food is cheesecake.