The winner of the WHS mock election is…..
Windsor students and staff overwhelmingly voted Donald Trump to be the next President.
November 9, 2016
The 2016 election season is over.
In one of the most controversial presidential elections ever, Republican nominee Donald Trump is now the next President of the United States of America.
If it were up to many of the students and staff at Windsor High School, Donald Trump would still be the next president of the United States.
With the constant attention on this year’s election, it made the staff of The Hoot wonder which candidate would win if the students and staff at Windsor High School got to choose. After taking part in a Google Form survey on Monday and Tuesday, the winner of the 2016 Windsor election was Donald Trump. The Republican nominee brought in 56.7 percent (367 votes) out of the 647 votes cast in the mock election. Clinton only brought in 25.8 percent of the vote (167 votes), while Gary Johnson brought in 13.8 percent (89 votes) and Jill Stein got 3.7 percent (24 votes).
Some students voted for Trump as a way of showing their disdain for Clinton.
“I would rather have someone in charge that does not have ties back to millions of deaths in the Middle East and that doesn’t have a bunch of undercover scandals. I also like that he is a political outsider,” senior Tommy Detmer said.
While many students prefer Trump to be the president, others think Clinton is fit for the job.
“I think it’s a good thing that her husband, Bill Clinton, was president, so she already is aware of how things have worked in the past. She can bring a different perspective to the table, and I think that is a good thing,” junior Liska Hromnack said.
Fortunately, the constant campaign advertising is over. According to the Washington Post, as of October 19, Trump’s campaign spent $795 million and Clinton’s campaign spent $1.3 billion.

The results of the Windsor High School mock election.