Rain, Rain, Go Away

The Windsor baseball team went 17 straight days without playing a game.

Kenneth Jones, Staff Writer

Baseball is meant to be played outside. Unfortunately, the weather has not been kind to the Windsor baseball team this spring.

The rain has made it difficult to schedule outdoor practices or games. As of Friday, it had been 17 days straight of no games played. The players, coaches and the fans are not happy about it.

Coach Jeff Young said, “It’s the longest stretch of my career where we’ve not been at a game or at an outdoor practice in that amount of time.”

Indoor practices have been a way of life for this year’s team. Also, because there are limited ways to practice inside, they find themselves doing the same thing every day which could get boring and repetitive.

Senior Tommy Detmer said, “It makes it a lot harder because you can’t do all of the necessary things that you get to do outside and were just limited on space because it gets crammed having all three teams practicing at the same time.”

The Owl’s coaching staff has tried to find ways to make the constant inside practices a little more fun. The Owls even played wiffle ball at one recent practice.

 Coach Young said, “When you’re inside for that long, you have to do things that are fun and skills-involved. So, we divided up the teams, made it competitive and played wiffle ball for a part of practice.”

Even a friendly wiffle ball game became very competitive.

Jake Davis said, “My team lost 8-7 because Cody Elmer hit a three run home run and forgot to drop the bat on the piece of turf (which were the rules on batting) so he got out at the end of the game.”

Tommy Detmer said,“I like games like this because it lightens the mood and keeps everyone happy but at the same time competitive so it’s not just a huge joke.”

On Saturday, the Owls finally got back to the actual baseball field. Unfortunately, the Owls lost two games against Fox. The Owls are scheduled to play at Mehlville today. Hopefully, the rain doesn’t cause another controversial wiffle ball finish.