Opinion: Owl Time Is Missed

Owl Time was removed for the entire 2020-21 school year.

Owl Time used to be the favorite of many students and teachers. (Pic taken in 2019)

Makenna Lane, Staff Writer

This year has clearly been different than any year that we have ever experienced. During this time, things have changed multiple times, so it has been important to accept things that we can’t change. 

School brought many changes to us. Last year, spring sports and Prom were cancelled due to the pandemic. Those weren’t the only events lost. 

To begin the 2020-21 school year, Owl Time was eliminated.

Over the past few years, Owl Time was the highlight of the day for many students. 

Owl Time gave us multiple opportunities that are now gone. For those who do not know about Owl Time, it was an hour long lunch period for all students that was split into two 30 minute shifts. During this time, students were allowed to eat lunch, hang out in the gym, and visit teachers for academic assistance. This schedule definitely helped with the flow of students and keeping them organized. This hour lunch gave you more time to eat your lunch, catch up on homework, play in the gym  and much more. With Owl Time, you were able to see your friends and socialize. Now with the three lunch periods, it makes it difficult to do all of the things listed above. 

I understand that with what we are experiencing now safety for the students and staff is the priority. However, there have been many complaints about the way lunch is running right now. Many students are finding limited time to eat. After standing in line for a majority of lunch, we are left with less than 10 minutes to eat daily. With social distancing, another challenge has been finding a place to eat. We have opened up the new gym that has tables to provide more space. However, that leads to more separation. This year has also made it difficult for students to interact with others and find time to see their friends. Owl Time was a guarantee that you would have time to visit with your friends. Owl Time also brought attention to our district because it was an innovative way to run lunch. We would have visitors from other schools come to see how we would run our hour long lunch. Not only did students enjoy Owl Time, but so did many teachers. 

“It gave us more time to eat lunch with my teacher friends. Instead of eating lunch with several people, I only eat with Coach (Jeff) Funston now,” teacher Jeff Stoffey said. 

Dr. Rachel Montgomery believes that the three lunch shifts are working, however, prefers Owl Time and what it brings.

It is still undecided if Owl Time will return this fall. 

Montgomery said, “The only reason Owl Time was removed was for safety reasons during the pandemic. As long as it is deemed safe, then Owl Time will be back.”